Florida Power Exchange would like to announce this years Keynote Speaker for 2024, Mara!
A long time ago at a Leather bar far far away, a precociously young Mara donned their tightest jeans, tucked their hair into a leather baseball hat, and jumped on a subway to try to find the kind of men they lusted after found on the well worn pages of their stolen copy of Drummer magazine.
Mara’s journey has been a long and winding road that includes being a boy, a girl, a slave, a daddy, a sadomasochist, an educator,, a producer, a ritual facilitator and many other stops over the last 35 years in the Leather community.
Today Mara (they/them) identifies as an opportunistically omnivorous queer, gender expansive sadomasochist and Slave with a capital S. They are your International Person of Leather 2024, a proud member of a broader Leather family filled with rebels, misfits and really queer queers. Mara also served as the SouthEast Person of Leather 2023 and International Ms Olympus Leather 1998.
They are passionate about creating an evolution revolution to help move the Leather community towards a queerer, more inclusive and progressive space. For those who have struggled letting go of the past, they (on occasion) act as a kind and loving bulldozer to help nudge us all forward.

Anna Baxter, LPC is a gender and relationship counselor at Love Positive Counseling in Roswell, GA. They are passionate about providing a safe space for clients to find internal and external peace by living and loving more authentically. They particularly love working with transgender and gender expansive youth (13-25) and people in alternative (polyamorous/kinky) relationships as they shed cultural expectations around gender and sexuality.
Keep Your Cool in Conflict:
Conflict is inevitable in all relationships. It doesn’t have to destroy your relationship or yourself. Anna Baxter, a professional relationship counselor, will discuss tips and tricks based on neuroscience to help you keep your cool in conflict and communication tactics to resolve conflict more easily.

I am a polyamorous hedonist heathen and a brown bear. I’m a nerd with ADHD, meaning I have more hobbies and interests than I can list and no project ever gets completed *cheesy grin*. That does, however, mean that I’ve exposed myself *snicker* to a wide variety of disciplines and ways of doing things. My passion is sharing that unique perspective with others and encouraging education and exploration in all things, kink or otherwise. I’ve been active in the lifestyle for roughly a decade primarily left of slash and in the community at large since I drank the FPE koolaid in 2021. Since then, I’ve been your Vendor Coordinator. I am Owner and Sir of Violet, who is your Webmistress, Assistant to MsRobinsyn, and owner of Tentacular Design. Together, we own The Oaken Cask Society, a whiskey society local to Brandon, FL, whose purpose is education about and demystification of whiskey.
Whiskey & the Lifestyle – History, Culture, & Rituals:
Liquid sunshine, firewater, the water of life, whiskey. Whiskey is a social drink, a mind and body-altering substance, steeped in history, culture, politics, and lots and lots of sex. In this class, Bear will discuss all of that as well as how we might incorporate whiskey and other beverage into our dynamics and lifestyles.
Whiskey & the Lifestyle – A Discussion About Consent, Whiskey Dick, & How Whiskey & Kink Can Coexist:
Consider this as a follow-up to Whiskey and the lifestyle: History, culture, and rituals. In which Bear will discuss in greater depths the dilemma of consent and mind-altering substances, the finer points of the physiological responses to alcohol and their impact on play, as well as some ideas and potential pitfalls of incorporating whiskey into your play.

BigJohn has been in the ‘life’ for 30+ years, and by his own admission, he started “young and stupid.” He has since grown into knowing who and what he is as far as words can describe him. That would be a Poly, Dominant, Sadistic Master. He has been running his own poly and BDSM household for over 20+ years with a great range and diversity in its members and it is ever-changing as the individuals involved grow.
The Business, Mechanics & Legal Issues of Living in a Poly House:
Ok, so you have all the emotional and jealousy issues figured out (or at least bolted down enough not to spray the walls anymore). Now you want to get to the nuts and bolts of living together as a poly family. This class will cover more of the mechanics of a poly house. Things like money, shared property, and legal status (including picking a lawyer if needed). And even cover the icky subjects of medical, estate, and even death planning. Several options will be covered for all sorts of different dynamics, ranging from tightly bonded long-term families to more fluid mobs.

Master Cyborg and sassy live a 24/7 TPE D/s lifestyle with heavy M/s leanings. Master Cyborg started in the community in 1995. He identifies as a Dominant Leatherman who is an expert in Fire play, loves impact, and runs a leather and woodworking shop in his free time. Sassy started her journey in the Baltimore BDSM community in 2011 and moved to the Space Coast in 2012. She identifies as a submissive leathergirl who loves frogs and the colors green, black, and glitter. They have been actively hosting regular classes, munches, and other events in their community and at their home dungeon since 2014. They are the founders of their local Dominant and submissive Roundtables respectively as well as several other active community-based groups. They value inclusivity, safety, and education and lead their groups with these three core principles in mind at all times.
Effective Communication in PE Dynamic: Relationships are built on solid communication. From the first encounter until the last, being able to communicate effectively is the cornerstone of a great D/s relationship. Being able to communicate honestly and openly is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced, just like any other. Join us for an hour-long talk… on talking! We will discuss how to handle sensitive subjects, negotiations, sex, desires, and bringing balance back to a dynamic built on imbalance, not to mention how to effectively argue and deal with conflict.

Master “Daddy” Zulu is a Leatherman who started his journey in kink around 1991 in Nashville, TN. In 1994, he relocated to Atlanta, Georgia and was active in PEP-Atlanta and the Sanctuary of A Dark Angel. In 1996 as someone interested in body image and embracement of bigger sized people, he created the size positive kinky group Anvil Dungeon International and served as the producer of the event Love and Leather (1996-1999). In 1997 he was selected as the first Regional Coordinator (Southeast) for The Leather Archives and Museum. Daddy Zulu has also DJd at Leather Bars and fetish clubs across the country and major Leather events including the Dark Arts Festival, Fetfest and Folsom Street Fair. He is the founder of The Leather Solidarity Collective.
BDSM Activism:
The History and Need For Leather Activism. An understanding of modern activism (1955- Present) and its purpose within the Leather Community Community.
- Definition of Activism. (Brief Lecture)
- A (Brief) History of Modern Civil Rights (Timeline).
- A (Brief) History of Modern Gay Rights (Timeline).
- A (Brief) History of Modern Leather/BDSM (Timeline).
- Why activism is important for Leatherfolk. (Lecture)
- Resources for activism.

2023 Florida Little Title Holder, Danny, also known as Teddybeard or Darleen Lattle, has been exploring the cosmic depths of little space for almost twenty years. It wasn’t until recently that he escaped gravity and began soaring into the depths of the kinky galaxy. A professional educator and performer, Danny loves nothing more than sharing joy and knowledge. With the wild ambition to make the BDSM universe as welcoming and safe for all people as possible, Danny has literally written the book on the ABDL experience and hosts the premier podcast on promoting ABDL erotica.
First exploring the fledgling ageplay scene in the early 00’s and finally attending his first kink events in 2021, Danny has a bounty of knowledge and a yearning for learning. Creating small groups in his area to spread awareness and foster an environment in which all are welcome. Don’t hesitate to say hello, this sasquatch of a bABy is anything but shy.
Diapers in the Dungeon – The Integration of ABDL and Ageplay into Broader Kink Spaces:
A crash course on the basics of Ageplay, ABDL, and finding your padded place in the broader BDSM community. If you’re not sure what this whole “CG/l” thing is about, this is a place to learn about the ageplay umbrella from a real-life diaper-wearing sasquatch. If you’re an ageplay exclusive looking to explore the rest of the kinky realm, this crinkling kinkster is happy to share their wisdom.

Domina Alluriah is an out and proud trans woman. She is a mixed-race female Dominant who resides on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. She is the current Chapter Director of MAsT:Biloxi, as well as, the co-leader of several groups along the Coast. She has taught or educated for several sister groups from Florida to Louisiana and has taught classes, moderated panels, or been on panel discussions at several events. She has spoken or educated at South Plains Leather Fest and South East Leather Fest. Her education experience includes also being on hand for numerous virtual events such as MsC, SOC, SELF Mayhem, and Uprise. She has participated and been involved in groups in other communities including but not limited to LSC, APRiL, and House of Kush.
Domina Alluriah believes in visibility and inclusion and works to build bridges between marginalized groups to help foster understanding and strong bonds. Her Leather values are rooted in respect, trust, transparency, communication, and selfless service.
Changing Roles While in an Active TPE Dynamic or House:
One of the best parts of power exchange relationships is not just potentially finding the love of your life, a sense of purpose, or chosen family, but the many ways we discover things about ourselves that strengthen us, encourage us to keep moving forward, or allow us deeper insights into who we are and what we should do with our time on the plain of existence.
- But what happens when things change?
- What do we do when we discover who we or how we identify as is not wholly “it”?
- What do we do when we discover we are multilayered, still unfulfilled, or not complete yet?
This discussion is all about those things and more. S-types who discover a more dominant side to themselves, Dominants who find joy in releasing control and allowing themselves space to submit, switches who decide one side of the slash has become enough and so much more are potential discoveries many of us ask about, face challenges with, or have trouble navigating. We will talk about, support, and encourage each other in this discussion to find and live our truths, actualize our new identities and nuance, as well as learn how to have those somewhat nerve-wracking conversations when we come out or give voice to our identities AGAIN.
Change is an inevitable part of our lives, be they small or significant. We may struggle with giving voice to our new identities and purpose. The aim of this class is to help you find out how to have those conversations while remaining respectful to those you love, as well as yourself, all at the same time.”
Don’t Yuck My Yum!
Don’t yuck my yum and I won’t yuck yours. This is all about releasing shame and guilt about the things you love, like, want to do, or are curious about in your journey towards finding yourself and your people.
What’s your taboo thing? What’s your “dirty” fantasy?
Do you feel there will be few, if any, folx along your journey who will allow you space to play in, dabble, or downright dive into the things you think others will judge or avoid you over?
What if you find the TPE you’ve dreamed of, but the person you love and are loved by have your fantasy as a hard limit or vice versa? What do you do when the dynamic of your dreams seems to NOT include the thing you still want to do or experience most?
This discussion will go over the origins of why we avoid or judge others, and ourselves, and hopefully shed light on the behaviors we can let go of that may actually enrich and fulfill our lives even more! When we learn to release the trauma, the ingrained behaviors, the societal “norms”, and the peer pressure that keeps us from trying or loving things we once resisted, we open ourselves to a new journey with new possibilities. Even if we hold fast to the things we refuse to do or be part of, releasing the fear of it allows us to stop judging others and make for a more unified community.

exploreit (she/her) joined the South Florida BDSM Community in 2008. She is a proud submissive to Master Joel, part of the Vanguard Leather leadership team, and member of Women of Leather Florida (WOLF).
exploreit’s vocation is to develop other people, and she turned to kink education while researching the lived experiences of BDSM participants who identify as women, feminist, and submissive. Through her research, she connected with the Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) and now serves as the CARAS Mentoring Program Director. She has presented at conferences in higher education and human resources, as well as CARAS, CLAW, and SELF.
Outside of BDSM, exploreit worked in higher education administration for 20 years and transitioned to corporate training in 2023.
Leadership and Submission – A Project Management Approach to Power Exchange Relationships:
This class will provide an overview of how principles and tools of project management can be applied for success in Power Exchange Relationships with a focus on leadership, task execution, and goal achievement. The importance of clear communication, negotiation, and consent will be highlighted in both contexts, emphasizing their role in maintaining healthy relationships and achieving project success. Through a combination of lecture, group discussion, and role plays; the presenters will illustrate how communication & consent (verbal, non-verbal, negotiation); planning & execution (scope, timelines, rules, schedules), monitoring & feedback (KPIs, milestones, check-ins, adjustments), and closure & reflection (deliverables, lessons learned, aftercare, reflection) can be helpful tools for a thriving D/s dynamic.

Angel, also known as kaseyd, has been an active member of the community for about 10 years. A few years ago, she embraced the leather lifestyle and has since dedicated herself to mastering the art of leather care. She meticulously tends to her own leather gear, which she wears for protection on her journey, and also cares for her Sir’s leather and the leather of community members in need.
Angel has showcased her bootblacking skills at events such as FPE, Beyond Leather, and various local fundraisers. In addition to her expertise in leather care, she is passionate about educating the community. She assists her Sir in demonstrating violet wand techniques, fire cupping, and fire play, always eager to learn new things and meet new people.
Identifying as a member of the LGBT community, Angel is a staunch advocate for equal rights, protection, and acceptance for all, driven by her love and support for her transgender son. She is committed to ensuring he can thrive as he steps out into the world.
Introduction to Bootblacking/Understanding Bootblacking as a Service-Oriented Practice:
In this introductory class on bootblacking, participants will delve into the art and practice of leather care with a focus on boot maintenance. This class is designed for individuals interested in learning the fundamentals of caring for leather footwear, particularly boots, in a meticulous and professional manner.
What You Will Learn:
- Basic Leather Care: Participants will learn essential techniques for cleaning, conditioning, and polishing leather boots to maintain their appearance and longevity.
- Bootblacking Tools and Supplies: An overview of the tools and supplies used in bootblacking, including different types of polishes, brushes, and conditioners.
- Techniques for Different Leather Types: Understanding how to care for various leather types and finishes to ensure optimal results.
- Hands-On Practice: Practical sessions where participants can apply the techniques learned under guidance.
Beyond Stereotypes: Understanding Bootblacking as a Service-Oriented Practice: Bootblacking is often misunderstood as a submissive activity exclusively associated with BDSM culture. This class aims to clarify that bootblacking is primarily a service-oriented practice rooted in craftsmanship and care.
Participants will explore:
- Dispelling Misconceptions: Discussing the common stereotype of bootblacking as a submissive role and emphasizing that anyone interested in meticulous leather care can become a bootblack.
- Service-Oriented Mindset: Highlighting the importance of attention to detail, customer service, and the satisfaction of providing well-maintained footwear.
- Diversity in Bootblacking: Recognizing that bootblacking attracts individuals from diverse backgrounds, interests, and orientations, showcasing its inclusivity and broad appeal.
Who Should Attend:
- Leather enthusiasts curious about the art of bootblacking.
- Individuals interested in learning practical skills for leather care and maintenance.
- Those looking to explore a service-oriented approach to craftsmanship.
This class offers a welcoming environment for anyone eager to learn the craft of bootblacking while challenging stereotypes and promoting a broader understanding of this unique practice. Whether you are a novice or have some experience, join us to discover the rewarding world of bootblacking beyond assumptions.

Kim has been in the kink scene for over two decades, teaching, playing, and serving. With her passion for service, and a certification in mental health first aid, Kim is often happiest behind the scenes, lending a hand to individuals, and her community at large.
She currently coordinates the nationwide Kink Event Calendar on social media, and previously co-hosted .devour, a local monthly educational/play gathering.
A military spouse herself, Kim co-founded a successful veteran’s charity and has consulted on panels to help others do the same.
As a published author of dark fiction, horror, and erotica, Kim loves to walk the edge in both concept and reality—namely knife and sword play with her beloved wife and owner, Miki Rei.
Epic Failures – How to Regain Your Balance:
Oops! Stepped in it. Forgot to do the thing. Winged a thing that definitely should not have been winged. Let my mouth write the check. Failed to write the check. Failed. Failure.
An ugly word that results in even uglier feelings. But does it have to? Hard as we try, as good as we are at remembering or communicating or doing things, not all failure can be avoided. What do we do with those moments? Let them derail the plans and darken the day? Let the resulting emotions brew and fester, eventually harming relationships? Or can we transform them into teachable moments?
Join us for an open, and hopefully enthusiastic, discussion of how to change the perception of failure and how to turn past stumbles into touchstones that drive future success.
Everyone fails. Both sides of the slash are encouraged to attend!
“I’m Not That Kind of…” – Owning Your Role:
Do you identify as a pup? But not “that”” kind of pup?
Are you a doll at heart? But not “that”” kind of doll?
Little? Top? Bottom? We live in a world of labels and assumptions. We hear words and form stories.
But between the letters and sounds, there exists worlds of meaning. Owning your role… being able to define and express your role… these things are necessary in crafting your path and finding the greatest joy in your journey.
Join us for an honest look at what labels mean to us and how we can explore our roles while setting boundaries. Bring your frustrations, your triumphs, your tips, tricks, and shenanigans!

FPE 101:
Join our Conference Director, Diversity Director, and Security Director in THE class to attend on Thursday, especially if you are new to our conference. We will review the fundamentals of FPE and discuss some unique aspects of our conference.
Are you directionally challenged? I am!
We will embark on a field trip to ensure you are familiar with the conference layout before we leave you to explore on your own.

Master Joel aka Sir Oinkcelot McButtersworth has been involved in the Leather, Kink, and BDSM communities of New York, Florida, and California since 1997. He has presented locally for his South Florida community at the Space, Command Performance, and Underhill Kink. He has also presented nationally at Beyond Leather, where he received the 2024 Community Service Award, the Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend (CLAW), the LA Leather Getaway, Frolicon, SouthEast LeatherFest (SELF), Reign of Fire and the LeatherWerks Leather University. Master Joel has volunteered for CLAW and the CARAS Conference: Leather-Kink Research and Clinical Knowledge (C2C) and hosted charity events to benefit AHF, Mr. Friendly, the Leather Archives, and Recovery in the Lifestyle. He is also the founder of the South Florida group Vanguard Leather, which is a sex positive education, skillset, and weird idea incubator.
Cigar Play – Hot Ash and Power Exchange:
Cigar play is steeped in power exchange. From the age-old imagery of Leather folk with a fat cigar in their mouth and their pup at their feet to modern day Leather bars. Imagery of cigars in kink and leather are synonymous with power exchange.
This class will focus on cigar play, what it is, and how it can be used as a focal point or to enhance a power exchange dynamic. W/e will explain the ritual of selecting, preparing, and lighting a cigar along with the basic etiquette practiced in cigar lounges and leather bars. Following the introduction, we will discuss how to set up different scenarios where a power exchange dynamic can be developed or enhanced specifically using the power of cigars in a dehumanizing, degrading, and objectifying fashion. We will also talk about the use of cigar play in sex; as an act of service, temperature play, smoke play and branding.
Attendees will leave the class with a working knowledge of:
- How to smoke a cigar
- Effectively use the concepts learned to explore a power exchange in a cigar scene or use it in their own dynamic.
- To incorporate it into a scene with either cigar play as the focal point or as an additional facet to incorporate into other types of play.
** Audience participation is not required but will be encouraged.
The Languages of Love; BDSM style
Communication is key in any relationship. It is magnified in a power exchange dynamic. This class will encourage attendees to identify how they experience and express love. They will learn their love language as outlined by Dr. Gary Coleman. We will explore how we can use this relevant information to learn more about ourselves, our needs and how it can enhance our dynamics. This class is geared for singles, couples, and multiples.

Master Sa’Vage is the founder a successful global munch called Be The DIFference Munch which has been active for going on 4 years. She offers free educational events for the community that covers Mental health, community advocacy, lifestyle and vanilla classes.
She has been in the BDSM/Leather community for almost 18 years starting as a submissive whose journey led her to the Left side of the slash as a Dominant who is mentoring to become a Leather Master under the tutelage of Master Sable who has been on his journey for over 25 years.
She has one submissive under consideration and one in service.
Master Sa’Vage is the former president of an Onyx Pearl chapter who successfully pioneered the first Onyx Pearls Run which gathered all of the Pearl chapters and the Original Pearls together for a full day educational and fellowshipping event.
She has presented classes on: Polyamory, Changing Lanes: from right to Left, The Energy of Haka, Oh Shiznit I’m Here Now What: Conference and Event Etiquette 101 to name a few.
The Energy & Spirituality of the Haka:
It is explained that you can not only give energy during a Haka. You must open yourself to receive the energy [Mana] and, most importantly, love [Aloha]. Because everything is energy, Haka is energy too. We all flow with energy. The Haka adds to that energy with its powerful chants and meaning behind the words of a Haka. You will feel awe-inspired by the full force of the haka as the mighty All Blacks take to the field before your eyes to perform the traditional war dance.
Overall, the energy of Haka encompasses a rich history, cultural significance, and a range of uses. From its origins as a war dance to its current role as a symbol of cultural identity and empowerment, Haka continues to captivate and inspire people around the world, embodying the strength, spirit, and unity of the Maori people.
Changing Lanes – From right to LEFT:
How many of you ever planned out a trip, and thought you knew where you were going, but when you got onto the road, you found yourself going in the wrong direction? Or take the wrong exit? I’ll go in-depth on my Journey of finding myself and changing lands on the Highways of BDSM/Leather moving from a submissive to a Dominant.

Ryuuza Tatsujin (Master) Sable is a Covered Leatherman, ordained minister, 3rd Degree Reiki Master, and owner of Batafurai Dorei. He stands out as a prominent figure in the Leather community, recognized for his deep expertise and unwavering dedication to education and understanding within this lifestyle. His journey into this community began over three decades ago, driven by a passion for exploring authority transfer dynamics, consensual kink, and power exchange. He is committed to creating safe, informed spaces for individuals to learn, grow, and explore their desires. His extensive background in both theoretical and practical aspects of Leather culture has established him as a respected leader and educator.
As the visionary behind House Blue Flames, the Blue Flames Institute, and Ta-Seti Nation, he spearheads these organizations in training and supporting those interested in Leather culture practices. His teachings emphasize consent, communication, leadership, and safety, ensuring participants are well-prepared and knowledgeable. Beyond his educational endeavors, he serves as a mentor and advocate, guiding both newcomers and experienced practitioners, while dispelling misconceptions and promoting a positive, respectful view of the Leather culture lifestyle. Master Sable remains a beacon of knowledge and support, inspiring many to embrace their true selves within the community.
Nothing Minor About a MajorDomo: A comprehensive class to shed light on the crucial role of a majordomo within a Leather House in the Leather culture community. Often perceived as a secondary position, the majordomo is, in fact, the linchpin of household operations, akin to a modern-day chief operating officer. In this class, Batafurai, aims to unravel the significance of the majordomo, illustrating how this role ensures the seamless functioning of the household and upholds the Master’s vision.
Participants will explore the historical roots of the majordomo, tracing its evolution from traditional estates to its unique adaptation in the Leather community. The class will delve into the daily responsibilities that define the majordomo’s role, such as overseeing household operations, managing staff, and coordinating with the Master of the House. Through real-life case studies and interactive discussions, attendees will gain insights into the practical skills required, including scheduling, event planning, conflict resolution, and crisis management.
By the end of this class, participants will have a profound understanding of the majordomo’s vital role in a Leather House. They will learn to identify the key responsibilities and skills necessary for excelling in this position. Additionally, attendees will acquire practical strategies for effective household management and staff supervision, ensuring they can contribute to the smooth running of their own or others’ Leather Houses. This class will highlight the majordomo’s indispensable contribution to maintaining household harmony and supporting the Master’s overarching vision.

MasterDHM is a proud but humble polyamorous, heterosexual Leather Dom with a heart for service, both to the community and to His life. He strives to be a leader, an educator, an ally, and a role model our community needs to move forward in a positive direction.
He has been an instructor, curriculum developer, and presenter for over twenty-five years. He is a dedicated and passionate speaker who thoroughly enjoys the opportunity to utilize His skill set for the betterment and advancement of the community. His classes are designed to enlighten, educate, entertain, and even make you think a little about your own path. His philosophy is simple – service above self, for knowledge is only beneficial when shared.
Fierce Conversations – The ART of SAFE Pick-Up Play:
How do you plan a SAFE scene on short notice without crossing boundaries or violating CONSENT? Are you interested in “pick-up” play? Have you met a potential play partner at a dungeon or party but know very little about them or don’t have a mutual history to build from?
Bring your questions to this interactive class as MasterDHM discusses common principles such as safety, (pre-, during-, and post-scene) play time responsibilities, communication, and consent to engage in a mutually enjoyable scene. He will also demonstrate his negotiation style for pick-up play, offering His “Rules of Engagement” tips and tricks that have proven successful for many years.
Fierce Conversations – Mastering the Long-Distance Relationship:
So you met someone at a gathering, you both felt the “click”, and decide there is something worth pursuing. Congratulations on your New Relationship Energy! Just one problem – you live a significant distance apart from each other and routine visits are not a possibility without significant travel. What do you do now to make this work?
MasterDHM and His former primary found each other at a Midwest conference in July 2021 and were together for three wonderful years. Both are polyamorous and although they lived over 1000 miles apart, their relationship successfully navigated many of life’s challenges. Even though their relationship came to a close, together they found balance between their personal, professional, and BDSM community lives. In this highly interactive class, MasterDHM will share their story and provide guidance and information on key relationship aspects including expectations, protocols, and communication. Attendees are welcome and encouraged to participate in the question and answer session at the end of the class.

Master Oakman, a Leatherman and Educator, has been in the Lifestyle since 1992. He collared (2001) and branded His adoring slave diamond in December of 2002 and they have been together ever since living a 24/7, M/s, BDSM Lifestyle. slave diamond has been in the Lifestyle since 2001. Master Oakman is past President of S.P.I.C.E. in 2004. Past Presenter at Community Link, Y Not, The Florida Bash 2006 & “2007 (where He re-branded slave diamond) & 2011 – 2013, Florida Power Exchange 2015-2020. He has also presented at Beyond Leather 2008 – 2024. In 2015, at Beyond Leather, Master Oakman was honored to be chosen as the Keynote Speaker.
He has educated many with their classes on Branding, Florentine Flogging; Whip play/Cracking, Knife Play, Scene Dynamics, Pony play, Blowjob class as well as a Communication class for D/s and M/s and others.
Together they founded SF.Community10, a players party group and the Oakland Park Dungeon now renamed, “The_Space,” formed in 2010 as well as SFC10 Gathering and Play Party, Whips in Oakland Park, A View from the Top, subSpace, 101@The_Space, Push The Edge, Gummy Bears, Leather Culture Club South Florida, The Original Gateway Event and Wax Play Parties.
slave positions:
This is a hands-on workshop where Masters and slaves come together to learn about positions and how to get into them gracefully and with guidance and/or verbal and non-verbal signals from O/our Masters. This is a class for all skill levels.
slave diamond and I start with a disclaimer about “no wrong way” and proceed to demonstrate the 10 Most Common slave positions, class participation. You will learn and then do the positions.
Pony Play 101 – Where to Start and how to giddy up:

Meeka is a hetero-flexible, poly-amorous, Switch, Leatherwoman, sado-masochistic, little who enjoys the ability to Top when able. She enjoys sensual, sensory play, impact, humiliation and degradation and lots of other mischief! Meeka’s journey includes volunteering and/or presenting at events like CTX Darkside Kinky BBQ and Kinky Harvest, SouthEast LeatherFest (SELF), Women in Leather Atlanta, LSC Uprise!, Woman of Drummer, BeThe DiFference Munch and the Service Oriented Conference. Meeka is a fervent advocate and educator for mental health, consent, and safe play practices, as well as promoting cultural diversity and supporting marginalized individuals, including those with hidden and visible disabilities. Meeka is a member of WiLA, Black FemDoms-Atlanta, and Woman of Drummer, she is committed to continued growth and service in the community.
“Can you be OBEDIENT? “I think I can, I think I can, I think… SQUIRREL!”:
Explore the unique challenges faced by individuals with ADHD in the realm of submission and obedience. This class aims to foster understanding, open communication, and the development of practical strategies to enhance the BDSM experience for everyone involved. Whether you identify as a submissive with ADHD, a dominant navigating these dynamics, or a supporter seeking to understand, this class offers valuable insights and guidance. We will gain a deeper understanding of the intersection between ADHD and BDSM dynamics, equipped with practical tools to navigate obedience, enhance communication, and foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships within the community.
Little Leather and Loud!
Who uttered the phrase “children should be seen and not heard?!” Welp. That does not apply to Leather Littles. This presentation will look at the various roles littles can and do play in the community and empowers littles to be who they are and want to be. Littles are not all submissive. Littles are not all masochists. Littles can and do lead. Let’s discuss and de-mystify, debunk myths. Be loud and proud as leather littles.

Veteran, Martial Artist, Bladesmith, Miki Rei began her journey with knives and all manner of sharp things at the age of 6 in Atsugi Japan. The resulting lifelong love affair with knives and swords became an unexpected world of sensation, balance, and control when Miki discovered BDSM.
Eagerly combining her two passions, she’s spent the last 23 years translating her skillsets from both the military and martial worlds into applicable knife play techniques, and the last 8 designing and forging her own blades. Miki continues to learn, refine, and share her skills as she serves her Leather Family and community.
Play The Edge: Exploring Extreme Risk Play In Your Dynamic
A guided discussion/demonstration on the underlying motivations, considerations, and best practices for exploring extreme risk play in an existing power exchange dynamic. Some people are built to seek out more, and more, and push themselves and their others to the very limits of what most would consider rational play. We discuss how to navigate this path as safely as possible, without undercutting the nourishment and joy that can be found on the edges. Consent models, safety considerations, and targeted aftercare are all explored and discussed. The goal of this class is to foster a different understanding of how we can approach extreme risk play, without risking our relationships and reputations in our communities in the process.

Mistress Crush is a kink affirming educator, performer, and practitioner in Chicago. Her BIONIC philosophy is reflected in her classes and demonstrations and is focused on whole person care in kink and BDSM. Her class objectives consider neurological, physical, emotional and psychological aspects of play and dynamics.
Believe it or not I care on how to approach dynamics and play
Aftercare for Tops:
Aftercare and not weaponizing vulnerability of your top.

Nik Daring is a demi-pansexual, masochist, slave, baby girl, bottom, writer, empathic, type A personality, conversationalist, and professional.
She has been in the Houston area BDSM/ kinks space since 2019. She is an admin and member of the Empowering Women of Kink, a Houston based group for women of color in the Houston and surrounding areas since 2021.
She is also a member of Leather girls Of Color (LgOC) a leather organization that supports, uplifts, and educates women of color in Leather/BDSM since 2022. She has served as interim treasurer for LgOC.
Professionally, she is a RN with over 15 years of experience in the areas of critical care, trauma, correctional health care, case management and nursing leadership.
Nik Daring’s multifaceted life showcases a blend of professional achievement and personal authenticity, marking her as a distinctive voice and advocate within both the healthcare and BDSM communities.
Journey to Ownership – Overcoming Challenges and Finding Connection:
Explore the challenges of desiring ownership in this discussion-based class. Identify obstacles, learn how to stay the course, and discover pockets of joy on your journey to being owned.
Strong Personalities – Those Who Kneel Selectively | A Deep Dive into Unconventional Slaves:
A lively and insightful exploration into the world of unconventional slaves. This dynamic class delves into the unique challenges and triumphs of individuals with strong, atypical personalities who thrive in M/s, D/s relationships. Expect engaging discussions, plenty of humor, and a deep dive into what it means to be a slave who doesn’t kneel for just anyone. Whether you’re a Dominant or a slave/submissive/switch, this class will offer fresh perspectives, valuable insights, and plenty of laughs along the way.

I flourish because of the understanding and grace I am granted at every step of my journey. When I falter my family corrects me and lifts me up to try again. I believe in the potential we all have within us. This pushes me to try harder and to focus my stubbornness toward achieving whatever goal I have set my mind to. I wake up each day with a desire to live my life more completely than I did the day before. I am honored every day that I am allowed to serve my community with love and patience. I am a woman of leather. I am confident that my path is one of service and education. I strive to continue growing, sharing my experiences along my journey, supporting and encouraging those I come in contact with. It is important to make sure I honor those who have created a place I can belong, to love the family that has embraced me and to share who I am with future generations.
I work very hard not allowing other people’s behaviors and attitudes to affect mine. I tend to “Tigger” with my easy smile and love for hugs. Please say “Hi”.
Find Your Voice While in Submission:
Even doormats say something, and you are NOT a doormat! You, yes you on the right side of the slash, have a voice that needs to be heard. Your thoughts, feelings, needs and desires are valid and necessary in a successful existence. We are going to discuss ways to respectfully ensure we are being heard. Ways we can address issues we didn’t see coming in healthy ways. Steps we can take to make sure we are practicing self-care, so we don’t end up in survival mode or resenting our service heart. We will discuss check-in protocols, shared journaling, time-outs and where/when they are useful.

OYK (she/her) is a queer, neurospicy, ‘pro-heaux’ Leather girl & s-type who has been painting the BDSM, kink & Leather communities pink 💞 since 2016. Although Philly Black Munch is her “home”, OYK regularly volunteers at events all over the country and has served at MsC Worldwide, CTX Darkside, Sex Down South, and SELF. In 2020, at the height of the COVID pandemic, she co-organized PEP & The Sanctuary’s Virtual Family Reunion under the tutelage of her MiiMii, Lady D. Presently, OYK is the Deputy Chair of Leather girls of Color (LgOC) & serves as “Big Sib” and mentor to the organization’s Initiates. In 2023, she & one of her fellow ‘Sicksters’ birthed Too Sick Chics, a platform that amplifies the voices of Black women battling visible & invisible illnesses & disabilities. OYK’s passion for mental health, health care equity and most of all service – as well as her own resilience and ambition – fuels her desire to empower & educate others.
Who’s In Charge Around Here?
We all know that power exchange relationships have many intricacies. Through this insightful class, we will delve into the unique duality of being in a Caregiver/little dynamic with D/s undertones. Presenters will discuss the overlap and divergence of such a dynamic; incorporating meaningful rituals and routines; communication and conflict resolution strategies; and share a few personal anecdotes. Whether you’re new to the world of Bigs and littles or seeking to deepen your understanding, this session promises to be both entertaining and eye-opening.
Spilling the Tea on Service:
Service is one of the core values of this Leather life that we lead. Domestic service, bootblacking, tea service… so many possibilities! Well, what are you supposed to do when you can hardly get out of bed, let alone make one?
This presentation will explore one girl’s journey from second-guessing her service self-worth to discovering her service superpowers despite living with disabilities. In addition to sharing her personal story, tips will be shared on how to do a service self-assessment, how to advocate for one’s needs when providing service to others, and the importance of self-care in service Finally, an open discussion will be held on how we as a community can begin to reframe our conversations surrounding service.

Hi! My name is prettyfantastic! As a Caregiver, Service Mister, Daddy and middle girl, I’ve found kink and power exchange to be fulfilling and nurturing as part of a completely balanced lifestyle. I have been involved with the community since 2018. I’m often found looking for opportunities to learn and pass along warm-fuzzies of growth in multiple ways. With initial contact to the community occurring by referral from a professional therapist; mental health and well-being is a passion I continue to pursue. With an affinity for meticulous attention to detail, it excites me to share what I have learned through incidental exploration, intentional workshopping and extensive professional training in public service and clinical hypnotherapy. I hope to meet you soon!
Stuffie Day Spa:
Join me in care-a-lot; a place where rainbows are made! Sharing is caring and with this fun and silly workshop, nurture yourself and your belonging for a sunny day out or a cozy night in with care and instructions for your most favorite pal. We’ll cover topics from setting intentions to specific techniques for health, hygiene and overall well-being. Stuffie Day Spa Starter kits available at cost for $10.
Hypnotic Techniques for Sexual Awakening and Creativity:
Join me in this workshop with a focus on sexual creativity and orgasmic manifestation. With emphasis on consent and self-sustainable techniques for all individuals, this workshop does not require physical touch. Couples and partners will be encouraged to interact verbally and visually, while minimizing physical touch. This workshop will also accommodate individual, solo interaction.

Kaipitten and sambug have been in a D/s relationship since 2020, and sambug has been collared since 2021. Kaipitten identifies as a Dominant Top while sambug identifies as a switchy right-sider. In Kaipitten’s vanilla life, they are a fandom loving introvert with a fancy for insects and Dungeons & Dragons. In sambug’s vanilla life, they enjoy building Legos, baking, and working on crafts.
I Wanna Hit You, But My Body Hurts – Disability in Kink:
This class would focus on adjustments that can be made during play or within a dynamic in order to accommodate mental and physical disabilities. The presenters will discuss how they have had to modify their dynamic and play sessions to best fit their bodies.
Kink & When it Has Nothing to Do with Fxcking – Aces in Kink Spaces:
This class will discuss kink and its non-sexual components, how I as a D-type asexual manages my dynamic in a sexual vs non-sexual context. The class will also discuss intimacy, BDSM and differing sexual needs within a kinky dynamic.

Sir Keith and girl lizzy have been members of the South Florida Leather and Kink Community since 2015. girl lizzy is proudly collared to Sir Keith and they are both apart of the Wolf Den Leather Family. We both enjoy interacting, teaching and supporting groups in the local and larger communities. Sir Keith has been involved with the IPE (International Power Exchange) contest since 2016 and has been its Director since 2022. girl lizzy she holds the role of Education Coordinator for Women of Leather Florida (WOLF), organizes the bimonthly Leather Care Social, is part of Vanguard Leather leadership team, contributes to the Women of Drummer advisory board, and manages the logistics for the Women of Drummer Contest weekend. Some of our favorite topics include cigars, electro play, whips, corsets, leather care, DEI, and power exchange.
Crossing Over from a Vanilla to Kink Relationship:
Crossing over from a vanilla to kink relationship can be a transformative journey, especially when transitioning from a traditional relationship or marriage into a kink and power exchange dynamic. This class aims to provide guidance on navigating this transition with clarity and respect. We’ll explore effective communication strategies for discussing desires and boundaries, establishing roles and protocols, and integrating kink activities into daily life. Participants will gain insights into managing potential challenges such as societal stigma and misconceptions and learn how to foster a supportive and fulfilling dynamic that enhances intimacy and trust.

Sir Scorpius Wulf is a Leatherman who has been in the Leather community for over 7 years. He is currently a Junior Master in House Blue Flames under the guidance and mentorship of Master Sable. Leather to him is about cultivating familial bonds and providing structure. It is about striving to be the best version of oneself by living the core values of Leather. He also believes in being in service to the community. He has done this by helping to guide young Dominants. He has also given back through education in which he’s done several presentations, which have included ‘Sensual Sensation Play’ and ‘Dominants…Dominate Your Ego’. As a Blue Flames Institute instructor, he looks forward to helping people not only learn more about the Leather culture, but also help them learn more about themselves in order to be the best version of themselves in all aspects of their lives.
Sensual Sensation Play:
There are different types of sensation play. Some include sense deprivation or the extremes of temperature play. This class dives into the art of sensual sensation play.
Persuasive Leadership – Painting the Picture with Your Words:

Sir Top and slave bonnie have presented over 100 workshops around the country since 2003. Together they own Beyond Leather, the International Power Exchange contest, the Beyond Gender Conference and New Beginnings TLC a 501c3 transgender resource center. They hold the 2007 Master/slave title, Southeast region, were awarded the Jack Stice Community Award, 2009 Leather Archives & Museum Chuck Renslow President’s Award 2010, and Pantheon Couple of the Year Award 2010. We are excited and humbled to return to FPE as presenters.
Getting Unstuck!
Time to uncover what is stopping you from moving forward whether it’s with work, family, relationship or self. Our self-limiting beliefs are there inside our head guiding us and what if there’s a way to change that dialogue? Come join us for this very important conversation on moving forward with healthy tools towards a new way of internal speech.

Charlie Doll (he/it/xe) has been a member of the Salt Lake City Leather community since 2017. Charlie Doll is the 2022-2024 Rocky Mountain Person of Leather. He is a boi with varying interests, it most strongly identifies as a slave, a Bimbo, a pony, a sadomasochistic switch, and an age player.
I am Mara they/them pronouns and the current SouthEast Person of Leather and International Person of Leather.
I flag maroon, purple, hunter green, silver lame and so many more. It’s much easier to tell you what I don’t like: ignorance, inequity, and injustice.
Trauma Informed Ageplay:
- What IS Ageplay?
- What is Littlephobia
- Why we belong
- Dark ageplay
- How to create ageplay spaces at your event
- How to engage with others about Ageplay
- How to use this knowledge
Charlie Doll presents an engaging and informative class that delves into the intricacies of ageplay, exploring its various facets and addressing common misconceptions. This class covers topics such as the definition and understanding of ageplay, the concept of littlephobia, the importance of creating inclusive spaces where individuals can explore ageplay safely, the exploration of dark ageplay, and effective ways to engage with others about ageplay. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of ageplay and learn how to approach discussions with respect, empathy, and open-mindedness.
Leather Across Generations:
A discussion about journeys into Leather and lived experiences from across generations. Leather culture is ever evolving. We write our own history with each new member with the knowledge of those who came before us. Mara and Charlie break down stigmas surrounding different Leather generations and show how true community building comes through trust and compassion to all Leatherfolk.
Sex work in Relation to the Community:
- Sex work and BDSM original
- Sex workers contributions to Our Community
- Stigmatization
- How our practices affect sex workers
- What can we learn from sex workers
- Outreach and allyship
While many Individuals seek to separate sex work and BDSM, the history of them are intimately entwined. Rather than allowing the parts of our history that some are uncomfortable with to be erased, we should strive to understand and appreciate how their shared histories have led to where we are today, and how the two are still entwined.
- How does sex work contribute to our community?
- How did the practices of our community impact sex work?
Why are they both stigmatized, and what can we do about that, both in terms of individual and community work? I look forward to sharing with you my thoughts and experiences on these topics and hearing yours.

Since the 1990s, Thumper has embraced this unique subculture when he found a deep and genuine connection with its principles of consent, respect, and self-expression. Over the years, Thumper has dedicated himself to fostering a community that values inclusivity, education, and the celebration of individuality.
A Legal Perspective on Power Exchange Dynamics:
This course offers an exploration of the legal dimensions of power exchange dynamics, focusing on the principles of consent, the boundaries of legal tolerance, and protections against abuse.

Wonder Woman is a Leather and Lego loving Little stuck inside a switch that identifies as a Femme Domme. Entering the Kink Community in 2018, Oklahoma resident, Wonder found and embraced her leather heart and ran for the title of Ms Route 66 Leather 2023 and won! Wonder’s desire is to break negative stigmas of Age Play in the kink community, show people that you don’t have to own or wear leather to be leather and encourage others to embrace their own leather hearts.
Consensual Acts of Age Play:
As Age Players, often times when we get into a younger headspace, common sense seems to fly right out the window. And just because we’re in the kink community and we’ve consented to this lifestyle, that doesn’t mean everyone has consented to take part in our Age Play. Join the current Ms Route 66 Leather 2023, Wonder Woman, on an interactive journey exploring common mistakes made by Age Players and kinksters alike. Learn tricks to come back to your adult self and how to help prepare yourself for any kind of kink event.
A Little Topping – The Power Exchange of Age Play:
What happens when you are a Switch that identifies as Dominate but the Little in you wants to come out to play? You let them, of course!
In this class we will explore non-traditional dynamics and the healing power of age play and age regression. What works for one doesn’t always work for another, so see how Wonder Woman combines all her passions with a peak in her toy box and a demo of what topping as a Little can look like!
To see what exciting classes & presenters we’ve had in previous years explore the links below: