Conference Producer & Dungeon Director -The Daddy Michael (he/him)
Daddy Michael is one of the producers of the Florida Power Exchange. He has been in the community since 1995. He is a bisexual, non monogamous, deviant IT nerd and is still growing each day. He is the proud Daddy, Dominant, Master, and most importantly a best friend and husband to his slave kittie. He enjoys teaching and has presented at events such as Beyond Leather, Southern Polyamory Gathering, SELF, SAR, Spanksgiving, Beat Me in St Louis and PXSummit.

Conference Producer- slave kittie (she/her)
Slave kittie is a bubbly Cuban born and raised in Florida. She is a little/brat, leather kitten & poly/pan slave. She has been in the kink/BDSM community since 2015 and started her Leather Journey in 2021. She is Co-Producer of the Florida Power Exchange Conference, alongside her husband, Daddy & Master, The Daddy Michael, and the Vice President of the Hard Pink Sisterhood. She enjoys teaching and helping others with their education and journey in the lifestyle. She has taught previously at the Sanctuary, Beyond Leather, United We Stand and Florida Power Exchange. She also is the proud owner of her little paci store, Lils Clubhouse. If you ever see her running about at an event or out and about, please feel free to stop and say hi. She is always excited to meet new friends.

Conference Director- MsRobinsyn (she/her)
MsRobinsyn is a cis, demi/pansexual leather woman, solopoly, little, SAM, bottom, masochist, vixen and Switch. Whew! That’s a lot! MsRobinsyn has been a participant in the Florida Community for well over 20 years. She is a Scottish/German American. While they do not define her, she has several disabilities including hard of hearing ASL-learning, Mobility issues, Retrolisthesis, Degenerative Disc Disease and Osteoarthritis. As such, she will probably be zooming around the conference in her mobility scooter; watch out!
In her bio world, she is a proud partner, mom, grandma, sister and furbaby mom (4 dogs and 2 sugar gliders). She has a life/nesting partner for 16 years who is not involved in this lifestyle; they don’t fit in boxes. MsRobinsyn’s chosen family is made up of some pretty incredible humans! She has an amazingly evil Foster Daddy and a loving, supportive sister.
MsRobinsyn is Mama’s Pinky Promise and, most recently, became a member of the Hard Pink Sisterhood.
Because the stigma of mental illness needs to be broken, she will tell you that she copes with anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, ADD and co-dependency. Social anxiety is an old friend, and she is generally an introvert despite her visible and vocal roles at FPE. FPE is home to her, and she has worked on staff, in one capacity or another, for 10 years! Please say hi and send coffee!

Assistant to Conference Director, Vendor Director, and Head Webmistress- Violet (she/her)
Meet your Assistant to the Director, Webmistress and Co-Vendor Coordinator, Violet – Pansexual, Polyamorous, Owned, Switch, ADHD, a Slytherin, & a Standard Nerd
Violet has been involved in kink for going on 19 years in various aspects from Organizing/participating in events ranging from conventions to local play parties. She is excited to return as Webmistress and Co-Vendor coordinator with her Sir Bear this year! She has also stepped up to be the assistant to our Director & is eager for the challenge. Look for her sunset hair or listen for the bells on her ankles and come say hello!

Presenter Director: bina_JBXfg (she/her)
bina_JBXfg (she/her) Was born into a 1950s/MC household. She started reading Gor when she was 10 and is a Gorean slave.
At age 28, she assisted with running the first South Florida education space – Lifestyle Alternative Center. Later co-owned Florida Lifestyle Alternative Community center, teaching, Gorean fundamentals and positions, bottoming from the top and rigging a self-rope harness. Plus numerous other classes over the last 20+ years.
bina_JBXfg is a Fibro Warrior (Fibromyalgia), poly, pansexual female and welcomes people to come talk to her about whatever they are going through!
bina_JBXfg helped create and ran the SF Submissive Round Table, R.O.M.P (Ruckus Or Managed Pets) including SF Pony Play, Kiddie Korner (Littles group), Sensation Stations, YKNOT (Young Kinksters, New with Older Teachers), and Gorean Gatherings.
She also helped create, and continue in a working and loving polyamourous Family (JBX House) for 15 years as first girl.

Bootblack Director- Jencat (she/her)
Jencat is a leather bootblack within the community for about 12 years in Jacksonville, but started her journey 15 years prior in the Chicagoland area. She is a mom of 2 college kids. In her free time, she has a small hobby farm with a myriad of farm and rescue animals, including 3 crazy hounds and a 300lb very friendly goat! Jencat loves to cook, garden, and kayak. Jencat’s passion is bootblacking and restorative leather care, mentoring others with a desire to bootblack, and giving back her time in the community to teach and volunteer.

Charity Director- slave Heather (she/her)
“We choose: To live by choice, not by chance. To be motivated, not manipulated. To be useful, not used. To make changes, not excuses. To excel, not compete. We choose self-esteem, not self-pity. We choose to listen to our inner voices, not the random opinion of others. We choose to be US.”
First and foremost, slave Heather is Master David’s slave. He is her rock and keeps her centered. She looks to Him for direction and support. The amount of knowledge and passion He possesses for the path He has chosen to walk is evident in all that He does each and every day. She is able to flourish because He guides her with understanding and patience. When she falters, He corrects her and lifts her up to try again. He holds her at high standards because He believes in her potential. This pushes her to try harder and to focus her stubbornness towards pleasing Him, serving her community with honor and integrity. She wakes up each day with a desire to satisfy Him more completely than she did the day before.
She is a woman of leather. She says this knowing that she is still at the beginning of her journey. The foundation of her beliefs embrace the core of the leather way of life. It promotes acceptance, belonging, compassion, support, and service. Most importantly it is FAMILY. You could ask 100 different people what living leather means to them, and you would probably get 100 variations, but if you looked deeper you would most likely see that passion is the center of it. Her chosen family has grown exponentially, and she is blessed to be a part of it. She hopes to make her Master and family proud of the walk she takes. She is confident that her path is one of service and education.
She strives to continue growing so that she may share her experiences along her journey to support and encourage those she comes in contact with. It is important to make sure she honors those who have created a place she can belong, to love the family that has embraced her and to share who she is with future generations. She works very hard at not allowing other people’s behaviors and attitudes effect hers. It is not always easy since she tends to be very protective of those she chooses to surround herself with. She has zero tolerance for those who exist only to lie, manipulate, hurt, and look down at others. She feels it is our responsibility to lift one another up, not tear them down. Her Master allows her to “Tigger” in social situations when appropriate because He is confident that she will never intentionally say or do anything that would be harmful to their family. He appreciates her smile and ease at which people approach her for help.
She is a HUGE advocate of safety and responsibility, so it is important to be available to those on both sides of the slash. She loves to feed people mind body and soul, so you most likely find her cooking more often than not. Coffee flows through her veins and she can always be bribed with more. She loves reading, writing, gardening, and learning. Hugs are always welcome. So please make sure to say hi and introduce yourself when you can catch her standing still.

Cigar Social Director- Miss Jess Lychen (she/her)
My name is Miss Jess Lychen (pronounced Lyke-en). I am an authoritarian style, high-protocol Dominant in a 24/7 power transfer relationship. My integrity, respectability, spiritual beliefs, and family mean everything to me. I take power exchange relationships and protocols very seriously. I also love to have fun and to make people laugh.
I am involved in the Tampa Bay Area BDSM community. I believe in giving back to my community by supporting local events and venues, by providing service at local events, and by helping my brothers and sisters in this great family we call our community. I host the FPE Cigar Social and “Time with the Governess”, an FPE littles’ story time event.

Contest Director- A Midnight Angel (she/her)
A Midnight Angel Belle is a member of the House of Sinergy. She is a spicy Latin switch and is the Alpha Submissive for the House of Sinergy, and masochist. She loves all the painful things. She has been in the community for over 25 years and enjoys educating on many topics in the BDSM Poly lifestyle. Not only is she a social butterfly but she also enjoys meeting new faces and seeing familiar ones, A Midnight Angel has had the privilege of being Ms Florida Leather N Fetish Pride 2017 as well. She is active in the Hard Pink Sisterhood and now serves as the treasurer, Onyx Pearls, Florida Power Exchange, Beyond Leather, WC Jungle Gym, Little Scouts 727, and is pinned as Mama’s Midnight Angel as part of Mama Sandy Reinhardt’s Family. She also has served as a Judge for Florida Leather N Fetish Pride, Florida Puppy contest and also as a Tally Master. Some of the places she has taught are : Florida Leather Fetish Pride (FLFP), Fetish Con, DomCon Atlanta, DomCon NOLA, Women of Leather Florida (WOLF), Mr, Code, EPIC, Florida Power Exchange (FPE) SouthEast LeatherFest (SELF), Kinky Camp Out (KCO), and Spring Fling LeatherFest, Currently she serves as the Contest Director for FPE. If there is anything you wish to know about her you can contact her, she is a ball of trouble…I mean fun…yeah, fun that is.

Assistant to the Contest Director: girl panda!
girl panda started off her life as a slave to Master James for 18 years. During that time, she was trained as a kajira/slave and in Leather protocols. In 2018 girl was released and gifted to her current Master, Alex. He has been girls rock. He proudly encourages and allows girl to serve her community in any way she can.
girls first official introduction in the Leather community came when she joined All Jax Leather. she was encouraged her to learn more about Leather to find her path. her Mentors encouraged her to research and study Leather and its History.
girl panda is very involved with her community. she assisted for 2 years on the Leather and kink community float. she has assisted as Pledge Master for All Jax Leather, is on the board of Florida Puppy, The Little Scouts of North Florida, and Club A.L.I.E.N.S (Alternative Lifestyle Information Education & networking social). she has found great joy in Leather care and Boot Blacking. girl panda has a passion and respect for the Leather History in our community and beyond. she aspires to build bridges between the many broken communities out there and continue to teach what Leather was and is.

Diversity Director- Sir Anubis (he/them)
Sir Anubis, pansexual, polyamorous, homo-romantic, pup, little, ABDL, Native American & African American, level 52 human. I have been in the BDSM/Leather community since 1993. I have been trained as a sub, a Sir, and (I’m told) a God!?! However, feel free to just call me Anubis; both of my husbands do. Central Florida Leatherman 2012 and contestant in many other events. In real life, I’m a server and Uber driver, gamer, loyal friend (they made me put that in) and budding amateur outdoorsman (it’s never too late). My trauma has made me a compassionate and patient learner with an ear, hand, and heart to assist all whom I am able. I bring my experience and openness to every challenge.

Dungeon Director- Arthur (he/him) Arthur has been involved in the Lifestyle since the 80s – Spending 10 years running The Playhouse in Baltimore Maryland, to being a lifestyle educator since 1999. He is in a poly relationship with his primary since 2011 and loves to meet new people.

Dungeon Director- Kimmie (she/her)
Kimmie has been involved in kink for going on 15 years. Experienced in Organizing events ranging from Educational Groups (Portal), Social Groups (Tampa Munch/Brandon Coffee Time), Play-parties (Fetish Circuit) and Charity events across Central Florida as well as supporting many others in many capacities

Elf Director- Siren(she/her/hers)
I’m Siren aka Jessie. I identify as female, and my pronouns are she/her/hers.
I’m an ambiamorous submissive little masochistic kitten with a primal side. I’ve been a member of the JBX family for over 5 years which has allowed me to find myself.
I’m half Hungarian and half Heinz 57. I was raised Roman Catholic in the middle of nowhere Florida but have since found my own Pagan spiritual path after leaving Florida’s bible belt.
I’ve been in the kink community for over 10 years and have found a love for teaching my community.
I have been involved with many events over the years in some capacity including FPE, Beyond Leather, and Florida Kinky Camp Out.
I cope with social anxiety and general anxiety disorders as well as weight issues and other mental health problems.
I’m always looking for opportunities to improve myself and others and love to learn.
In my free time, I’m always doing something crafty whether it’s crocheting, knitting, making rubber band animals, or just drawing in my journal.
I love to sing as much as possible and find music to be at the center of my being.

Judges Director: Master Big Red (she/her)
Master Sir Big Red is an equal opportunity Gender-Queer, Woman of Color, Queer Mother, sensual and sadistic Femme Daddy, who is a performance and Erotic Spoken Word Artist celebrated for her ability to “wear many different shoes”. In one pair of those shoes, she is dedicated to facilitating personal and communal connection and healing, and in another equally empowering and self-embracing pair of red stilettos she works on various ways to encourage, support, and evoke opportunities to accept and create language, experiences, and culture that is raw, creative, authentic, sensual, deeply intense, and intent on empowering, healing, and transforming self, relationships, and communities! With a proven and long-standing commitment to education and training, one of her current passions is creating new community connections while presenting and educating at various Community Professional, and Lifestyle events.

Littles Director- Little Lady Aalyanna (she/her)
I am Little Lady Aalyanna, but you can call my Aaly. I identify as a Pansexual Poly Sadistic Little. My pronouns are she/her. I have been with my Daddy since 1999, and with my now Alpha since 2002. I been active in the lifestyle since 1996 and have teaching since 2011. I have been part of FPE in some way since it’s very beginning, and I have run the Little’s Room for the past 5 years.
I have taught at FPE, Florida Leather & Fetish Pride, Fetcon, WOLF, EPIC, DOMCOM (LOLA), Southeast Leather Fest, KCO, FLAC. I have taught Violet Wand, Anticipatory Service, Before & After Care, Safety & Personal Accountability, I Think I’m a Little, Now What?.
I have ADD, an anxiety & depression disorder, arthritis in my knees and ankles. I have had several closed head injuries due to MVA’s that have caused PTSD. I am a introverted extrovert, I love seeing people and meeting people but it can be very tasking for me.
Dungeon play is special for me I love topping with the violet wand and knife play. I also love submitting for electroplay of all kinds, knife play, flogger play, and fear play.
When I was first asked to create The Little’s space it was in my suite and dear friends of mine stopped at the open doorway and asked if this was a safe place for his little. I looked up into his eyes and told him yes absolutely. That interact touched me so deeply and has stuck with me each year I create a Little Rooms for FPE. The Little’s Room is a safe place for ALL Little’s, Middle’s and ABDL’s, or anyone else whom just needs a break from the crush and overwhelmingness of the convention. New ideas are always welcomed, and I can be found in the Little’s or running around with my big JoJo Bow. The Little’s Room is my passion and pride and I looking forward to creating lasting memories for all whom step foot into the Little’s Room each year.

Littles Director Assistant- Becca(she/her)
My name is Becca. Pronouns she/her. I am a culturally eclectic mix of Puerto Rican and about 11 other ethnicities! I am a 30-year-old Submissive, Masochist, Little/Brat. I’ve been in the Lifestyle for about 3 years. I am still exploring and unsure of my sexual identity as so many others are. Some of my lifestyle interests include heavy Impact play, Bondage/Rope play, and Violet wands. I also love painting and being crafty! I’m always interested to learn more and like to ask lots of questions. This will be my first FPE and I am super excited to be a part of the team this year. I will also be working the paci booth in the vending room so come by and say hi!

Operations Director- Mr. Smith (he/him)
I am Daddy Scott, or MrSmith0112 on Fetlife. I’m a Daddy Dom/ husband to MrsSmith0112, otherwise known as Brookie or B. This year I am serving as the operations director so you will see me setting up or spraying down equipment or you might even see a little role reversal while my little girl tells me what needs to be done for the presenters.
I’ve been in the lifestyle for about 12 years. My pronouns are He/Him.
I’m a 52-year-old heterosexual male. B and myself are married and in an open relationship currently, with hopes for a poly family in the future.
I’m her daddy primarily, choosing to take up the role of caretaker, mentor and protector. I’m dominant, with a little sadistic side. My list of kinks includes impact play, ropes, wax play, needle play, knife play… The list goes on and on.
Looking back at my life I realized that I’ve been in some form of caretaker roll in all that I’ve done, my ongoing 23-year career as a Firefighter/EMT is a perfect example.
If you have any questions or just want to chat, you can approach me any time. I love talking with people and making new friends.

Photography Director- Canvas (she/her)
Canvas is an award-winning editorial and photojournalist photographer with a career spanning more than 25 years. With specialties in the corporate branding, outdoor adventure and destination wedding photography specialties, her clients have sought her out to craft introspective and emotive glimpses into their professional and personal lives through creative storytelling. This year will mark the first year as a volunteer photographer for FPE.
Originally from Savannah, Canvas’ first introduction to the leather and kink communities began shortly after moving to New Orleans in 1997. She quickly experienced sub frenzy and became a voracious study of both the mental and physical sides of the D/s lifestyle. Her curiosities have led to her own self-discovery as a bottom leaning Switch with sadomasochistic tendencies. It’s not surprising given her background in visual storytelling, that Shibari and mental domination/worship are two areas of strong interest. She is an active participant in the Saint Petersburg community and attends events throughout Florida and the Southeast.

Presenter Director- Mrs. Smith (she/her)
Commonly known as *Brookie. Mrs. Smith. Little girl. * Married. Open. Poly. *28. Female. She/her *submissive/bratty/little (depending on the day) *usually covered in cat & dog hair*2022 FPE Presenter coordinator
(That’s just a fancy term for slave to the masters who teach us)
I’ve been the sweet but anxious bratty little to Daddy Scott (Mr. Smith) since 2014 and we are currently in an open relationship with hopes of one day fulfilling a poly relationship.
On the kink side I love impact, thuddy or stingy, fire play, knife play, electro play and many more. I am a pogonophile and want to sit in the lap of a bearded man while he reads me a story. Lol In real life I’m sometimes an insurance agent when I wake up and the mood is right, mental illness is extremely hard and some days tasks are really hard to complete.
I grew up in Florida so if you see me running around the event in just my socks don’t judge, barefoot is best!
Hard limit: Being called honey

Registration Director- mrsbubbles (she/her)
melissa aka mrsbubbles, is in a 24/7 relationship with Daddy Jason for the past 16 years. We are parents of 4! We are all about community and acceptance of ALL.
As parents of a disabled child, we have volunteered roughly 15 years with Special Olympics program where we have learned so much on the diversity of how disabilities can impact individuals and their families. We feel strongly about advocating for more education, equal rights and resources for the disabled.
We are learning to navigate the lifestyle as we age and come to realization that our old peoples health issues impact our relationship and with having a life long adult disabled child living at home
We are supportive of arts and have community members of Burnt Oranges, a central Florida regional Burning Man. I serve of the board, Jason and i both volunteer i serve as Sanctuary Leads which supports the community in mental health services at events. We believe mental health support is very important. Florida Power Exchange has been a safe place for us to be ourselves, learn, and be accepted as part of this community. We are excited to be your returning greeters, We can’t wait to greet each of you with a big smile and welcome home at this year’s registration desk again this year.

Security Director-The Dom Fisherman (he/him)
John, also known as The Dom Fisherman, has been a member of the community for over 15 years. His pronouns are he/him. He is a former owner of the Tampa Bay Phoenix club where he currently volunteers and teaches fire cupping, blood cupping, violet wand, fire play and wax play. When not volunteering or educating the community he runs a firearms training company with his wife Angel. He has always been an ally of the LGBT community especially to his transgender stepson and many friends and chosen family.

Vendor Director- Bear (he/him)
I’m Nathan, or Bear, a polyamorous hedonist heathen. I’m also masculine, preferring he/him pronouns. I am a bear, not just in name, but also animalistic identity, feeling kinship with grizzly bears. I am powerful and stern when need be, but most of the time I am just cuddly. I am also very intelligent, but can sometimes be a little bumbly. I spent my formative years in GA and grew up in central FL, but thanks to my upbringing managed to come out of it all valuing logic, science, and open mindedness. Being an openminded hedonist, I also identify as Bisexual and am always open to new experiences. This has led me to explore many passions, resulting in a cursory knowledge of a large variety of things and many hobbies. I am also the owner of Violet Switch, who is my wife and partner in life; the yin to my yang.

Volunteer Director-kaseyd (she/her)
Angel, or kaseyd has been in the community for almost 9 years. A few years ago she discovered what it means to live the leather lifestyle and, since then, has been trying to learn all she can about caring for the leather that she wears to protect her on her journey. Beyond just caring for her own leather she takes care of all of her Sir’s leather and those in the community that need a little love for their leather. She enjoys volunteering at the Phoenix Club. She has also bootblacked at FPE, Beyond Leather, and a fundraiser at Cityside in Tampa. Besides caring for leather, she also likes to help educate the community. She helps her Sir demonstrate violet wand, fire cupping, and fire play. She also loves to learn news things and meet new people. While she identifies as a member of the LGBT community her biggest reason in advocating for equal rights, protection, and acceptance of all is her transgender son. She wants to make sure he can grow and flourish in the world as he goes out on his own soon.

A/V Director- Orion
My name is DJ Dan a.k.a. Orion. I’m the _________ insert title of choice here for FPE. I’ve been part of FPE since its inception and have watched it grow from a great idea into a true family reunion experience each year. I’m the guy who makes sure the sound equipment is where it needs to be, works, and performs as it should. I also handle the video needs as needed. I am also the guy with the guitar for the Cigar Social every year, as well as hosting the Karaoke show. I have been in the entertainment industry for 40 years. I’m a Dominant and Daddy to rio my wife of 6 years and am very open minded to learning new experiences. I’m over 21, enjoy sports, music, and exploring my ever-evolving sexuality. I’m not shy by any means and am always up to meeting new people. Every friend starts with a hello. If you see me doing my thing, say hi and know you’ll get a hearty one in return.

Photographer- SirNoyes (he/him)
I’m Tim, Noyes, or SirNoyes if formality is your thing. He/him pronouns. As a Dom and sadist, I love using all the kinky skills I’ve accumulated over my decade in the kink scene but rope, impact, fire, and needle/medical play top the list. I’m poly with my life/nesting-partner submissive and we call NYC home when we aren’t off adventuring in some other part of the world. Kinks aside, photography has been a lifelong hobby of mine and I’ve volunteered for a number of events and charities throughout the years. This will be my first FPE and I’m super excited to come capture the moments on ‘film’ for everyone.

Raffle Director: Rio(she/her)
Hi, all! I’m Debi/rio, she/her. I am a straight, masochistic, submissive, little married to my Daddy/ Dom, Orion. Fun fact: rio is the “heart” of Orion…. see what we did there? Another: in all other aspects of my life except for my relationship with my Daddy, I am an extremely alpha female.
I have been in the lifestyle for 6 years, and part of FPE for 5. Most of those years as Daddy’s little helper.
I am a Swedish, German, Scottish extremely family oriented mom and grandma. I have earned myself bachelor’s degrees in English, Nursing, and Pharmacy….. but chose to continue bartending for the better part of over 40 years. I just loved the job, the people, and the money too much to say goodbye.
A personal note: My life is affected by depression, anxiety, and, more recently PTSD. These things have me currently clawing my way out of a deep abyss…. but I’m getting there! Baby steps are becoming larger strides. Part of this journey is getting myself out there again… so please feel free to stop and talk when you see me around!