2022 Keynote Speaker

Florida Power Exchange is proud to announce our 2022 Keynote Speaker, Bratty Azzassin. We look forward to sharing space with her at FPE 2022: Destination Diversity!
Bratty Azzassin, a Philadelphia native, and identifies as a bratty, poly, switch, little, Leather girl, currently owned in a D/s dynamic. She is passionate about education, her dynamic, her tribe and making a difference in the collective Leather community. Bratty entered into the lifestyle on a whim in 2017. She had always had a way of doing things her own way and was blessed to find people who helped to guide her and educate her, so she had a great foundation. Bratty joined the Philly Black Munch team in 2018 and helped to organize safe spaces for POC in the BDSM community. Bratty credits her passion for education first to her own great start in the lifestyle, stating “PBM raised me”. Professionally, Bratty is an experienced facilitator, educator and trainer with a combined knowledge base of 20 years across various public, private and non-profit sectors. Her training and facilitating experience have varied between small and large classroom settings and her approach to teaching is centered around audience participation and engagement. She does not believe in “talking to people” but would rather have her audience personally relate to material and topics. She has presented classes for various organizations including NC/SC POC Munch, The LasVegas ToolBox, Silk NYC, The Journey Leather Conference, various panels and in June 2022 – SELF 25. Bratty also enjoys volunteering and has served at Weekend Reunion 2018, Beyond Leather, and other personal service opportunities. She was also a recipient of a SELF Scholarship for the 2019 Conference. Bratty moved to Florida in 2019. As a member in absentia of the Philly Black Munch, she then moved on to become founder and organizer for Leather girls of Color. LgOC was incorporated on July 1, 2021, and had its first membership class “The Foundation” in late 2021. Bratty currently serves as Chair for the organization. She continues to walk on her journey as an Ambassador, sharing her experience and skills learned within the time she’s been in the community, the safety skill set of someone who navigated her journey solo for a large part, and various other skills and knowledge centered on Persons of Color within the community, but applicable to all. Bratty strives to share her strengths within the community by helping newcomers to embrace their authenticity. She has a willingness to be of service to her community and individuals. She enjoys hosting and coordinating social functions such as events, conferences, and munches where she excels in making sure all participants and newcomers have a voice and feel welcome.
Please join us for closing ceremonies Saturday, December 10, 2022.

A Midnight Angel (she/her) Hello, I’m Belle from the House of Sinergy. I am a spicy Latin switch, middle, M Hirokata’s Alpha Submissive as well as of the House of Sinergy, and masochist. I love all the things pain. I have been in the community for over 25 years and very active in the Tampa Bay area and outskirts. I am a social butterfly and enjoy meeting new faces and seeing familiar ones as well. I am active in the Hard Pink Sisterhood, Onyx Pearls SE, Florida Power Exchange, Beyond Leather, WC Jungle Gym, Little Scouts 727, and Mamas Family. I am an educator and love teaching. I have taught at Florida Leather Fetish Pride (FLFP), Fetish Con, Women of Leather Florida (WOLF), Mr, Code, EPIC, South East Leather Fest (SELF), Kinky Camp Out (KCO), and Spring Fling Leather Fest to name a few. I am also the Contest Director for FPE.
Class Descriptions:
Let’s play!!
Great yes, however, before stepping into your “scene” there are a few things you may want to consider such as:
- Mindset of both parties
- What do you expect to get out of the scene?
- What does the bottom expect to get out of the scene?
- Checking to see if Marks, bruises are acceptable, to some it may not be appropriate due to other work, family or Dr. appointments, they may not want the unwanted/uncomfortable feelings or need to explain these “visible marks” to others respect that!
- Rituals
- Inspecting the body
- Hygiene
Now that you have played, comes the “After Care” as if the scene wasn’t enough, and the set-up it is very important to care for each other after the scene to avoid any sub/top drop. Dealing with a drop can be hard to come out of, sense of loss and emotional as well as mental hang ups such as:
- Feeling alone/abandoned
- Hurting
- Injuries that may have occurred (visible/nonvisible)
- Rituals
- Sub-space
- Drop (both top and bottom)
- After-care needs for the sub
- After-care needs for the Dom

Big John (he/him)
BigJohn has been in the ‘life’ 30+ years, and by his own admission started “young and stupid.” He has since grown into knowing who and what he is as far as words can describe him. That would be a Poly, Dominant, Sadistic Master. He has been running his own poly and BDSM household for over 20+ years with a great range and diversity in it’s members, and is ever changing as the individuals involved grow.
Class Descriptions:
Poly 201
So you’ve created your polycule, you have 2-3 happy people, and now…oh look there’s a potential 4th,5th.etc. This discussion will center on expanding your poly family from the original members. Delving into many areas such as transitioning from extended relationship to the main family, the legal and ethical issues of how/when someone joins, terms and definitions for clear communication, conflict resolution, scheduling mechanics, BDSM inclusion, NRE, and all the weird stuff in between.

boy nick (they/them) and Daddy Jenn (she/her)
boy Nick, Mr. Beyond Leather 2011, is a Pansexual/AMAB-Trans/Enby Leatherboy with 20+ years of experience. Brought up in the Leather community and sitting down with the next generation; they have learned to fuse both worlds together to keep traditions alive while reminding the world we are in this for fun. Both sadist and masochist, rigger and rope bunny, pup and handler, and more. boy Nick finds ways to help each individual tap into their full potential while helping the other side relate and understand the mindset of their partner.
Daddy Jenn was brought into the Leather lifestyle 15 years ago by her partner, boy Nick. Always being curious about it, she decided to take the leap of faith. Having followed boy Nick on all their crazy adventures, Jenn has carved her own path as a mentor, protector, and guide to those new in the community. During 2011 in the course of surviving being a “Title Widow”, she has learned the ins and outs of presenting key information to a variety of audiences. As well as relaying information to the attendees of boy Nick’s classes in a calmer method for those that may find her partner’s delivery of information a bit too high energy.
Class Descriptions:
Dueling Dynamics: What to do when your partner is not that kinky?
This class is a presentation on how to communicate between partners, when one is kinky and the other one is kink lite or plain vanilla. Discussing many of the possible outcomes for clear communication for a happy relationship.

Bratty Azzassin (she/her) Bratty Azzassin is a bratty, poly, switch, little, Leather girl, currently owned in a D/s dynamic. Bratty is a founding organizer of Leather girls Of Color, and a member in absentia of Philly Black Munch. Bratty is a newer South Florida resident. She is an experienced trainer and facilitator with 20 years of education experience. Bratty entered into the land of kink/BDSM in 2017 and has since presented with various groups on topics such as: finding your tribe, parenting while in the lifestyle, being solo on the BDSM journey, consent spectrum (PRICK) and other topics as well. Bratty has interests in impact, bondage (particularly rope), CBT, and fire. She is always exploring new kinks as well. Bratty spends her time balancing her neopolitan life as mother of two (25 and 9), leaning into her dynamic, and community organizer/educator
Class Descriptions:
Kinking while Parenting
Balance is everything. Parenting and the lifestyle do not seem to go hand and hand. How can you indulge and keep your children safe and/ or informed? Parents just wanna have fun.
Workshop Outline:
- Planning ahead
- Location, location, location
- Boundaries with partners
- Little ones
- Older children
- All in the family

Dr. Sara (she/her) has been a therapist for the transgender and BDSM community for several years, earned her certification as a clinical sex therapist, and presented at FPE last year, in addition to other venues. Her curiosity, open-mindedness, and enjoyment of alternative lifestyles began at the biggest sex party ever—–Woodstock! Dr. Sara is known for her frankness and sense of humor.
Class Descriptions:
Dr. Fackleman will discuss aspects of neurodiverse BDSM Practioners and how long term power exchanges can be maneuvered by people with a lack of stable sense of self

Alacks (they/them) and Noelle Ma’am (she/her), I am a 46-year-old human with mental health diagnoses and living a 24/7 PE with Noelle Ma’am. I have a history of working in communicable diseases, law enforcement, and currently for a medical malpractice firm. I’ve presented at KCO and a few sheriff’s offices. I vended at Fetcon for 5 years pre Covid.
Class Descriptions:
Mental illness and consent/negotiation
Our given name is Emily, and we have dissociative identity disorder (prior name for it was multiple personality disorder). We have been in the kink/BDSM lifestyle, off and on, for a lot of our life (and not always healthy). Prior to this event, we spoke at the Tampa Bay Kink Academy that Topher and Daddy Doug coordinate, we were a vendor at Fetcon for 5 years (pre-COVID), and we trained law enforcement 911 Dispatchers in mental health. We ARE NOT a therapist. What we are though is a bridge. We are a resource for those that need it whether it be to chat, explain, or to try to find help for. We are also collared to Noelle Ma’am (some of us anyway). We are going to talk about how mental illness in the lifestyle can look and then discuss consent and negotiation with someone that deals with it, no matter the side of the slash you fall on. This will be a little interactive because you are definitely going to have some questions and we will definitely answer them! We (including Noelle Ma’am) can discuss our dynamic because we do have caveats in place as a result of our trauma. Nothing is off the table. Please come and let’s all learn together and discuss ways we can be mentally healthier so we can all live our best life.

Jencat (she/her) and kaseyd (she/her).
Jencat is a leather bootblack within the community for about 12 years in Jacksonville but started her journey 15 years prior in the Chicagoland area. Jencat’s passion is bootblacking and restorative leather care, mentoring others with a desire to bootblack, and giving back her time in the community to teach and volunteer.
kaseyd has been in the community for almost 9 years. A few years ago, she discovered what it means to live the leather lifestyle and since then has been trying to learn all she can about caring for the leather that she wears to protect her on her journey. Beyond just caring for her own leather, she takes care of all of her Sir’s leather and those in the community that need a little love for their leather. She enjoys volunteering at the Phoenix Club. She has also bootblacked at FPE, Beyond Leather, and a fundraiser at Cityside in Tampa. Besides caring for leather, she also likes to help educate the community. She helps her Sir demonstrate violet wand, fire cupping, and fire play. She also loves to learn new things and meet new people.
Class Descriptions:
So, you want to be a Bootblack?
So, you want to be a bootblack but don’t know where to start. This class will focus on the fundamentals of bootblacking, differences in hard shine vs. oil tanned leather, what to keep in your kit basics, polishing basics. This class may become interactive, depending on the number of persons that come to class, but we will talk about the basics of what to have, necessities, and ends in a round table talking about challenges with getting to a high shine.

KaiPitten (she/he/they) and sambug (they/he) In my vanilla life, I am an anime loving introvert that is constantly working on becoming a better person, friend and partner. I have a dynamic with my lovely little and we continue to challenge each other every day to become closer to our true dynamic. I strive to learn from those around me.
Class Descriptions:
Kink and when it has nothing to do with Fxcking: Aces in Kink Spaces
This class will discuss kink and its non-sexual components, how I as a D-type asexual manages my dynamic in a sexual vs non-sexual context. The class will also discuss intimacy, BDSM and differing sexual needs within a kinky dynamic.

Kaitlyn Kayce (she/her) kaitlyn kayce, commonly known as kat kay, is a service-oriented submissive with 8 years in the community, with the current honor of serving in a 24/7 Power Exchange under her Dominant, Madam Hexe. kaitlyn’s passion for knowledge has been the driving force of her journey, with an emphasized focus on teaching from the right side of the slash at events such as FPE, Submissive Safe Space, and several local munches. Some of her favorite topics include Objectification, Dollification, and service.
Class Descriptions:
Dredging our truth: A look at the erasure of Lesbians in Leather
The history of Women in Leather is an important one, but one piece always seems to be missing. Lesbian erasure in our history continues to affect our ability to find more about the women who helped pave our path. One part presentation and one-part open discussion, kaitlyn will share what she has been able to find and encourages others to share what they may know. Piece by piece we can rebuild the history that barely exists on paper.

Kittie (she/her) and MsRobinsyn (she/her)
Class Descriptions:
FPE 101
Whether you are new to the Florida Power Exchange Family or you have been here forever, this is a definite must see discussion. We will be going over all of the things!
General rules, activity descriptions, explanations on how we do the things around here and a very important Q and A session to help you make the most out of the conference and have an absolutely AMAZING time with us!
kittie and MsRobinsyn will do everything they can to help you feel comfortable, seen and respected while you make the most amazing memories here at FPE!
They are also kinda funny…and cute so there’s that!

Lady Steele (she/her) Lady Steele’s pronouns are she/her and identifies as a femme, Queer Lesbian Alpha leather slave. She is the only open, out, and practicing BDSM and ENM specializing attorney in the United States. She is an international educator, a leader, and an organizer within our great community and is a proud Associate Member of Onyx Pearls Southern Leather. Lady Steele says she is a very lucky woman, in love with two beautiful souls who enjoy the closed “V” style of ethical non-monogamy they practice. She is the founder of the Center of Learning and School of Success (C.L.A.S.S.), the Worthless Bastards (Cigar) Club (W.B.C. – Atlanta), and The Leather Coterie (T.L.C.), all of which she proudly leads under the umbrella of the West Inclusive Georgia Socials (WINGS) group. She held the position of Social Coordinator for NLA – Atlanta during its last incarnation. She continues to give back to the community as Board Support for the Leather Leadership Conference and through multiple appearances on several podcasts.
Class Descriptions:
Finishing School: Service as Submission
Finishing School: Service as Submission – There are many classes taught about how to flog and even how to take a flogging, but there are many other aspects to submission. Service is something a bottom can do to show their appreciation for their Tops, keep the wheels of life in motion and running smoothly, and give the bottom the taste of control that they may be missing in their power exchange relationship. Join Lady Steele as she walks you through how her household runs and how to serve in many aspects in order to enhance your power exchange relationship. This class is also good for single bottoms as it will show you how to garner the favor of a potential Top.
BDSM & the Law
BDSM & the Law – New and Improved! – People participate in Bondage, Discipline, and Sadism/Masochism, all the time not knowing the potential legal pitfalls. It is time to get down to brass tacks. What legal dangers are inherent to what it is we do? The simple truth is legal issues abound when it comes to participating in BDSM and always have. It can affect several areas in our lives, including family, criminal, civil, estate planning, healthcare, and even businesses law. How can you prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario? Come find out when Lady Steele presents BDSM and the Law, which will also include the newest updates from the National Coalition of Sexual Freedom.

Madame Hexe (she/her) and spielzeug (he/him) Madam Hexe, affectionately called Fräulein by those close to Her, is originally from Germany and has been active in the Leather and BDSM Community in Europe and the United States for over fifteen years. She’s a sadist, a rigger, and a Covered Master. Madam Hexe maintains a full-time, high protocol M/s dynamic with Her slave spielzeug and is the Dominant to Her girls lottie and kat with whom she produces the BDSM Education Podcast “Trouble Comes in Three.”
Class Descriptions:
Female-Led Relationships: Living the Fantasy
A Female-Led Relationship (FLR) is the elusive and seductive power exchange that flips heteronormative gender roles upside down. As a FemmeDomme, Madam Hexe’s dynamics are FLR by default–but what happens when that experience is full-time over years? This class focuses on the evolving expectations of an on-going power exchange including how to take the reins as a FemmeDomme and how to come to terms with your desire to submit as a submissive when the world expects you to wear the pants. Your fantasy is our reality

Mama jaye (she/her) Bright blessings to all. I am Mama Jaye, a healer, reader, dancer, teacher, lover of life. I have been around for a long time, started this journey back in 1978. New York, Philly, California…I have presented for a number of years, always enjoying the energy of the group, the passion. I hope to once again bring this love to you. Through the art of movement.
Class Descriptions:
Living this lifestyle after 60 or with disabilities
As we age and change, our methods of living this lifestyle also change. What use to be easy with strong muscles and joints, becomes different. The focus of this class is to give and share ideas of ways, to change, modify and explore new ways of creating the scene. regardless of your position of the dynamic. As we grow and change, we also need to grow in our ways of creating the magic of a scene. This is the goal of this presentation. Thinking about creating a new way of play and sharing.

Master Oakman (he/him) and slave diamond (she/her) Master Oakman has been in the Lifestyle since 92. He collared (01) and branded slave diamond in Dec. of 02 and they have been together ever since living a 24/7, M/s, Lifestyle. slave diamond has been in the Lifestyle since 01. Presenters at The Florida Bash 06 & 07 (He re-branded slave diamond) & 11-13, Florida Power Exchange 15, where slave diamond was the Keynote speaker, 16-20. They also presented at Beyond Leather 08 – 22. In 15, at BL, Master Oakman was chosen as the Keynote Speaker. They’ve educated many with their classes on Branding, Florentine Flogging, Whips, Knives, Blow Jobs & Pony play as well as relationship classes. They founded SF. Community10, and the “The Space” was formed in 2010 as well as SFC10 Play Party, Whips in Oakland Park, Dark Edge, Gummy Bears and The Original Gateway Event. They host Groups at SFC10 such as the M&M’s, WoLF, S Florida Littles, S Florida sub roundtable, S Florida Rope Grp, S Florida Rump Roast, Newbie Night, A View From the Top & FemDom Collective. They feel Education in the Lifestyle is one of the most important aspects as well as a safe space for learning & self-expression.
Class Descriptions:
Slave Positions
This is a hands-on workshop where Masters and slaves come together to learn about positions and how to get into them gracefully and with guidance and/or verbal and non-verbal signals from O/our Masters. This is a class for all skill levels. slave diamond and I start with a disclaimer about “no wrong way” and proceed to demonstrate 24 positions, class participation. You will learn and then do the positions.

Master Tomas (he/him) and dinamazana (she/her)
Who am I?
hmmmm… I am a Leatherman, community volunteer/leader, husband and Master to slave dinamazana (dina). I have been a active member of the Jacksonville Leather/BDSM/Kink Communities for 15+ years. Have led or assisted with many of the local groups over the last fourteen years that include- MAsT: Jacksonville, M.O.D.D.S. and Jacksonville Kinksters. Community means the world to me and I strive to ensure that not only are the groups I serve a safe space for others to learn and grow, but also to ensure that I am a safe space for individuals to turn to as needed. One of my biggest aspirations is to do anything and everything I can to bridge any gaps between subcultures and groups in my local area.
I am dinamazana or as most people call me, Dina. I am a leather woman, community volunteer, wife and slave to Master Tomas. I have been part of the Jacksonville Leather/BDSM/Kink Communities for about 15 years and have served them in some capacity for about seven-plus years. This Community means the world to me, and I strive to ensure that not only are the groups I serve a safe space for others to learn and grow, but also to ensure that I am a safe space for individuals to turn to as needed. I am a co-moderator for the Submissives of Jacksonville group (s.o.J). It is a support and education group focused on and dedicated to the “team little letter” portion of the North East Florida community. I am also co-leader of our local Masters and slaves Together (MAsT: Jacksonville) group. This is an educational and support group focused on power exchange relationships. I run NE FL C.A.S.A. a support group for those who have survived consent violations, injury, abuse, and Intimate Partner Violence in the community.
Class Descriptions:
24/7 Making it Work Even in the Vanilla World
Just because you step out of the confines of your safe space into the world a little less understanding of your dynamic does not mean you have to drop out of the role. In our case, they are not roles but, part of our characteristics/personalities. We learned to adapt to our surroundings and use subtleties that work for us.
Don’t Let Trauma Be Your Drama
The invisible disease known as Mental Health: Why is it important to talk about Mental Health in our dynamic(s)/relationship(s)? Here we delve into the importance of discussing mental health, triggers, and support for those in our dynamic(s)/relationship(s).

Master Vick (he/him) and Lady Elsa (she/her)
Master Vick and Lady Elsa are passionate about the Leather/BDSM community, about queer and pansexual spaces, and about helping others grow and thrive in those worlds. Master Vick, Indiana Ms. Leather Pride 2016, is a spiritually oriented Native American energy worker with roots in Blackfoot and Cherokee traditions and practices, and a southern gentleman leatherdyke with a seriously sadistic streak in the dungeon. He serves as Producer of Indiana Leather Pride and is President of Indiana Leather Club. Lady Elsa, International Power Exchange 2012, was a 2016 recipient of the Leathertarian Award for service to the Leather and Fetish communities. She co-founded and leads Andromeda, a group for kinky women, and serves as Membership/Mentorship chair for Indiana Leather Club.
Class Descriptions:
What is Leather?
For many kinky people, the term “Leather” is a mystery. Who are Leather folk, and why do they choose that identification? What are the core values and markers of the Leather community? What do all those pins and patches mean? In this class you’ll learn how the modern Leather community evolved, and about some of its rituals, etiquette, and traditions, such as earned and gifted leather, Muir caps, flagging, contests and titles, leather clubs, and leather families.
The Power of Archetypes
Teacher, priest, victim, queen, servant, child — the archetypes that resonate with you can affect the way you see yourself and others in the BDSM world. Using Carolyn Myss’s Archetype cards, this workshop helps you name your own core archetypes and those of your partner(s), and to take a look at the archetypes of the people you react most strongly to, positively or negatively. You’ll come away with new ideas about how you can use archetypes in your everyday life, in your spiritual practice, and in your SM scening.

Mistress Alora (she/her) and kee(she/him) Mistress Alora is a primal Dragon, Service Top and Sadomasochistic Domme. Growing up in Alaska’s LGBT culture has granted her many opportunities to learn from the bottom up. One proud accomplishment Includes representing Alaska as a previous Ms. Alaska Leather 2018 titleholder. She is an Alaska/Hawaii transplant that is a big fan of power exchange, sensation play/deprivation, blood, edge play, fear, electro torture, fisting, squirting, heavy impact and all things pointy and sharp. Kee is her nesting partner, Kitten, and Service Sub. She has been exploring Kink since 2011. You will find her most in her comfort zone when performing service-oriented tasks for her Mistress.
Class Descriptions:
D/s dynamics: Unlimited options
Let’s explore the many different types of D/s dynamics and how they can look different for everyone. We will talk about our experiences within D/s and what made them different. What works and what doesn’t.

MsDDom (she/her) and Creamdream (he/him) MsDDom and CreamDream have lived in a power exchange dynamic since 2010. With lifestyle experiences, cultural, and age differences, their goal is a sustainable authority-based relationship. Active in the Atlanta BDSM and Leather communities, both are servant leaders who share their time through presenting topics, advocating for BIPOC presence, and volunteering for various organizations, conferences, and groups. This dynamic couple are Librarians at the Carter/Johnson Library and Collections Atlanta Annex and co-lead the Black Atlanta Munch. MsDDom and CreamDream enjoy traveling and sharing their time with lifestyle people in the U.S. and Canada.
Class Descriptions:
Intersection of Race in Authority Dynamics
This interactive presentation focuses on race and power exchange dynamics; when partners are considered being involved in an “interracial dynamic”. Does race clash or intersect within authority-based dynamics? Do partners feel ostracized in the community in these dynamics? Is one partner “seen” more than the other partner when involved in an interracial dynamic? Are there inherent challenges by participating in PE/AT dynamics and maintaining one’s racial identity? Come share in the discussion.
Age ain’t nothing but a number in Power Exchange?
We will discuss and share perspectives on age difference as it applies to the various power exchange and authority-based dynamics. Do societal norms regarding age encroach on power exchange dynamics regarding identity roles, gender, or even race? Is shame a factor when deciding to engage with someone with a ten year or more age gap? What about mental age vs. physical age? How does age shape your personal identity especially as you age in your dynamic? Come share in the discussion. Age ain’t nothing but a number, but is it really?

Rib_Rob (he/him) Rob began his journey into the community in 2018 and quickly found his love for leather, electro, rope, and various forms of edge play. Since an early age Rob found a fascination and the urge to understand how things work. He leveled up from accidentally tripping the house breakers with various experiments to eventually building toys and contraptions for sadistic fun. After entering the community, he met his family and leather house Monarch Z, where he has grown and honed his skills in needles, bloodplay, cuttings, and all things edge play. He has a Masters in Engineering which provides him the knowledge to bring to life his machinations. Rob also co-leads the Miami Munch in South Florida, striving to introduce newbies to the community he has come to call home.
Class Descriptions:
Power exchange Focus: Will it bite or tickle: Electro Play
It’s time to shock people and charge up your play! We’ll discuss the dynamics of electro-play, the safety considerations, and the different implements and their characteristics. Come understand, see, and feel how electricity can add to your arsenal. Learn how electro play can be used for pleasure or punishment in your dynamics and how it can improve your power exchange. We’ll cover Violet Wands, TENS units, and the different ways to change the sensation with simple grounding adjustments. Time to jolt ourselves wet! What better way to start than with electricity!
Trigger Warning: Taser and Electrical Zapping Sounds

Running aemok (she/her/they)
Running aemok is an indigenous, disabled, polyamorous, pansexual, Leather girl with a love of service and rope. For the last 10+ years she has been an advocate for kink education, mental health awareness, sex/body positivity. Wanting to share her passion and knowledge aemok has taught and performed across the US. She is a member of Mama’s Family and co-founder of Tampa Hitchin’ Bitches and TLAW. She hopes to inspire others to pursue their passions while building strong, fulfilling relationships.
Class Descriptions:
Silly, Sensual, Sadistic: The lighter side of devious natures
Can agony and laughter coexist in scenes? ABSUFUCKINGLUTELY! In this class, aemok and her evil little side explore the giggles, grins, mischief, and mayhem you can bring into your play. A scene that is playful, full of laughs, and just as sexy and fun as you’d expect from any other bondage scene. This class is a mix of bondage demonstration and hands-on to let you explore. Class is open to all regardless of skill set. A hank of rope ~30′ is recommended for the hands-on practice.

Sir Leo (he/him) and leathergem (she/her) Sir Leo (He/Him/They) and leathergem (her/she) live a 24/7 TPE Master/slave relationship structured in protocols and rituals involving the chemistry of Leather, spirituality, and consent-non-consent. Their deep connection fuels the energy that allows them to live unapologetically for who they are. Sir Leo is a Trans-masculine Sadistic Leather Master and leathergem who is a queer masochist leatherwoman. Together, they live by the code to “Each one Teach one” and are dedicated to serving their community with education, mentorship, and lots of fun. Sir Leo and gem are the owners of the Tampa Bay Phoenix Club. Sir Leo is the Co-Director of MAsT-Tampa, the founder of The Leather Cultivation Project, and served as a judge for the South Plains Leatherfest M/s International Contest in 2022.
Class Descriptions:
Behavior Modification
Just as rules and protocols vary in every relationship, so do the styles and techniques of behavior modification and obedience training for a slave that will yield the most accurate assessment of the Master. We will give various examples of techniques and strategies that worked for us to set clear expectations to ensure the Masters’ needs are being met and that the slave has a clear understanding of what that looks like with all the resources given.

Sir Top (he/him) and slave bonnie (she/her) Sir Top and slave bonnie have presented over 100 workshops around the country since 2003. Together they own Beyond Leather, the International Power Exchange contest, and New Beginnings TLC a 501c3 transgender resource center. They hold the 2007 Master/slave title, Southeast region, were awarded the Jack Stice Community Award 2009 Leather Archives & Museum Chuck Renslow President’s Award 2010, and Pantheon Couple of the Year Award 2010. We are excited to return and present at FPE.
Class Descriptions:
The Reality of Relationships – Break Up/Make Up to Last!
Relationships of all dynamics can be challenging. In this class we will get down and dirty about the rollercoaster ups and downs of relationships. We will talk about skills to navigate through troubled waters and how to communicate on levels that are seldom used. Bring your questions and concerns and be ready to be open and vulnerable during our discussion period. Fact vs Interpretation and Victim vs Accountability will be major topic areas so leave your defenses at the door. Come prepared to be enlightened, surprised and walk away with a higher level of awareness.
Communication and Conversations
This workshop is for everyone wanting to improve speaking and listening skills for greater communication and conversations

Slave jennie (she/her) and MasterAaron/NCTyger (he/him)
slave jennie is a kink aware family nurse practitioner who has been on her own crazy journey into kink and her slavery for over 20 years. During that time, she has spent the last 15 years in surrender and service to Master Aaron. slave jennie is often the PR person, Front man and socialite for Master Aaron as he enjoys being in the background. Together they have been sharing the details of their journey to include their speed bumps, hardships, laughter and rewards with those who will listen.
Master Aaron is a kink aware Emergency Operations Geek who has been on this crazy roller-coaster of life exploration into kink for over 20 years. He is the Director of MAsT Jacksonville NC, and together with his slave jennie have been producing a Monthly local Kink social and play party for several years. You will often find Master Aaron in the background while he uses his slave as his PR person, socialite and front man.
Class Descriptions:
“Yes Master Wayne” The Alfred Pennyworth style of Powerful Service
Alfred was a very dominant caretaker and servant who ensured that Master Wayne’s household ran smoothly. Additionally, he cared for Batman in times of need and provide advice and criticism when needed. For some this model of service is very effective and utilizes the personality and character of the servant to serve the leader. How can you effectively utilize a dominant servant and how does the servant effectively serve the leader in charge and provide needed advice and even criticism in a constructive and respectful manner.
The Erotic Art of Chastity
Chastity is the practice of refraining from sexual intercourse. This practice has been in existence since the 12th-13th century. For those holding the key, it can be powerful and for those locked it can be confining and humbling. How can the power exchange be enhanced through means of preventing sexual release and basic bodily functions? Learn about how to use various forms of chastity to enhance the power exchange.

TheDaddyMichael (he/him) and MycroftM (he/him)
Class Descriptions:
New to Dungeon areas? New to Florida Power Exchange? Want to Brush up on Dungeon Etiquette? This is the place for you. HIGHLY recommend sitting in for this discussion as TheDaddyMichael and MycroftM go over the rules for our play spaces, Do’s and Don’ts and general dungeon courtesies.

Travis (he/him) Travis has been active in the BDSM community since 1992. He is an active member of the Athens and Atlanta communities. Travis host the AAL munch, demos and educational forums in the Athens area as well as presents at larger events. A firm subscriber to the RACK / PRICK philosophies with a emphasis on personal responsibility and accountability. He always enjoys learning and sharing knowledge with others and is a student of the history of the lifestyle and the social implications of what we do
Class Descriptions:
High Protocol a Brief History
High Protocol a brief History, what is it and what it is not. What are some ways to incorporate High Protocol in a dynamic? Some difference between High Protocol in a scene or event and in a 24/7 TPE. What are types of events that institute High Protocol and what can you expect at events with High Protocol.
To see what exciting classes & presenters we’ve had in previous years explore the links below: